
Welcome to The Wibbly Dinosaur blog. Get ready to be seriously entertained and inspired as you follow my musings on living a life with MS. I will try my best to write posts as regularly as possible but, as anyone with kids will know, it’s pretty hard finding the time to write when you have 3 ‘winks biting at your ankles. For example, in the time it has taken me to write this sentence, hang on… Where was I? Oh yeah, in the time it has taken to, wait a minute… Right, in the time it has taken to write this sentence I have changed a nappy, got a drink of water, made a chocolate milkshake, saved a cat from having his ears yanked off, found and put on a long-lost DVD, read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, made a chocolate spread sandwich (left uneaten as it turns out), handed out 2 yoghurts and 4 “wrong” spoons before finding the right one (the green one with pink because that’s the girly one), changed the DVD to something Christmassy (it’s May), kissed a knee and a nose better and tripped over a pirate ship. You can see where I’m going with this. I don’t have time to write everyday but hopefully what I do write will be helpful, interesting and fun because, after all, having MS is nothing if not fun… right?

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